For all my foster babies and shelter kitties I fell in love with

Held by Sharayah Haizimsque
Lock-In for Love 2024
Supporting Prince George
$465.00 Raised
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North Cariboo BCSPCA
$465.00 Raised
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Fundraiser Donors

  1. Anonymous
  2. Timothy Myslicki
  3. Dean Haizimsque
  4. Anonymous
  5. Petsecure Match
  6. Emma Herbison
  7. Mary-Ann Poirier
  8. Jaimie Poirier
  9. Anonymous
  10. Anonymous


Another year of cats and kittens coming in and going out of the shelters. I've worked with so many unique cats and kittens that I am not even hesitating to sign up to fundraise again this year! There have been a few special kitties that I fell in love with but truth be told I fall in love with all of them... To take the extra time and care to bring some of the more fearful ones around is quite the task but once you have a kitten who was so scared to even be around humans one day lean his little head into your hand and start purring- ah, no better feeling! I felt the love of many kitties this year and I hope to give back to them by helping the next cat in need!

Just like your kindness and compassion are part of who you are, loving animals is part of who I am. That's why Im participating in the BC SPCAs Lock-In for Love.

Together we can move one step closer to a world where animals never have to suffer hunger or fear, cold or pain. Your caring support today will provide rescue, warm shelter, nourishing food and healing medical care to animals in B.C. who are desperately waiting for help at this very moment.

Will you share your loving heart with vulnerable animals by donating today?

Whatever amount you are comfortable with,having you by my side in this community effort means so so much. Thank you!

To donate, please click on the 'Donate' button or call 1-855-622-7722 and mention my Lock-In for Love page.

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