Support Shawna for the Animals

Held by Shawna Willan
Lock-In for Love 2024
Supporting Vancouver
$24,750.00 Raised
  • Donate

Fundraiser Donors

  1. Hill's Match
  2. Petsecure Match
  3. The Seniors
  4. Jeffrey
  5. Petsecure Match
  6. Deb Sankey
  7. Joan and Arthur
  8. Heather
  9. Petsecure Match
  10. Anuradha Star Hannah
  11. Noella
  12. Anonymous
  13. Anonymous
  14. ProAmp Electric
  15. Karin Davidson
  16. Gary
  17. Anonymous
  18. Leah Meredith
  19. Petsecure Match
  20. Anonymous
  21. Anonymous
  22. Anonymous
  23. Petsecure Match
  24. Darlyne Caraher
  25. Karen Cherrington


Hello Dear Friends and Loved Ones,

This year I am fundraising again and it is especially hard as Jeffrey (17 year old cat) passed away last month. I put his picture here, he had been left in the lobby of the shelter taped up in an Arm & Hammer kitty litter box. Luckily he meowed as no one knew he was in there. He was so frail but blossomed into such a happy guy! Our time together was a joy. Sadly there are still animals out there who desperately need all of us. I will be doing a Lock-In for Love, you are always so supportive and so wonderful to me and the animals, every gesture and kind act is meaningful. I will be locked in a kennel with cats to promote the fundraising as I depend on you for so much.

My family is all senior cats now, Cici 16, Jazz 16, Shadow 18 and George 21 years. I still volunteer and only adopt the seniors.

Making this connection every year means so much. I thank you again from the bottom of my heart for all you do and for your love. I look forward to hearing from you.

With love,

Shawna and the Senior Kitties

To donate, please click on the 'Donate' button or call 1-855-622-7722 and mention my Lock-In for Love page.

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Offline donation page for printing: Click here to download